Always do The Hard Things

“I can do Hard Things” is a popular quote right now and yet, no one knows who to attribute it to.

One of our focus group of widows said “always do the hard things” is her one bit of advice to new widows. 

Hard things come in many categories and across time. What is a hard thing today may be less hard tomorrow. 

Don’t be afraid of failing at hard things. Don’t judge yourself if you can only do part of hard things. But, do do them. 

One piece at a time. One step at a time. As much as you can bear today and then again tomorrow.  When the time comes, this hard thing will have been completed.

What is your hard thing today?

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Ruth Bergen Braun is a Canadian Certified Counsellor (M.Ed. Counselling Psychology), registered with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She works as a private practitioner out of the Core Elements Counselling office in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and is always open to new clients. (See

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