What is the one thing I need to attend to right now?

“I am rather like a mosquito in a nudist camp; I know what I want to do, but I don’t know where to begin.” David Allen (Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity)

Grief is paralyzing. You know you need to do something but you are too overwhelmed to do anything more than sit on the couch and stare into space. If this is day 1, be gentle with yourself. Staring into space helps you deal with the shock of what has happened. But if you are a few steps (or even miles) down the road of this grief journey, perhaps this question will help. Often our minds spin with so many thoughts that like a screw grinding into a piece of wood, we sink into a bog of stuck-ness. The word ‘attend’ means ‘to deal with’ or take care of. So ask yourself, “What is the ONE thing I need to ATTEND TO right now?”. Not one hundred things. One thing. That one thing may be as simple as, “I need to eat.” or “I need to go to the washroom.” One thing. Just one thing.

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Ruth Bergen Braun is a Canadian Certified Counsellor (M.Ed. Counselling Psychology), registered with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). She works as a private practitioner out of the Core Elements Counselling office in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, and is always open to new clients. (See www.ruthbergenbraun.com).

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